The Alchemist


Kate Shaw, Sublime, 2019, acrylic and resin on board


Apologies for the slight break in posts, the mountains were calling. And thus, this week is all about the works of a fellow mountain lover, Kate Shaw, hailing from Australia.

Shaw blends painting and collage - pouring paint directly onto the canvas, she takes her cues from the organic shapes it creates before spraying, cutting and collaging elements in a way that earned her the moniker “alchemist of paint”.


Kate Shaw, Threshold, 2019, acrylic and resin on board


Shaw is particularly interested in capturing reflections and I think it is this fascination with the play of light - the reflections and refractions that lead to magenta sunsets, pink-tinted sunrises, and the extraordinary blue-hues of the high mountain peaks - that lead to her fantastically vibrant landscapes.

Her work also brings attention to climate change, the effect of our actions on the environment, and the need to preserve the beauty that we so often take for granted.


Kate Shaw, Dell, (2017?), acrylic and resin on board


Kate Shaw is widely exhibited internationally. You can see more of her works on her IG @kateshawart and her website:

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