The Dreams - The Stars

The Dreams - The Stars


Gao Xiang, 2013, oil on canvas, 120 x 60cm
Museum Exhibitions:
Chiang Mai Arts and Cultural Centre museum, Thailand
New Palace (Neues Schioss), Bayreuth, Germany


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MORE: 2021 is the year of the Ox. In addition to hard work, honesty, and humbleness, for Gao Xiang the ox is also a metaphor for intelligence and the enduring power of love to overcome all obstacles.

This work references an ancient Chinese myth, The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, about an ox-herder and a Goddess who fell in love. Although their alliance was forbidden, the ox sacrificed itself to allow the youth to reach the heavens. Eventually, the Gods relented - banishing the lovers to opposite sides of the heavenly river (the Milky Way) but allowing them to reunite once a year, on the 7th day of the 7th Lunar month, over a bridge built by magpies for that one day. There are many variations of this myth which arises from an ancient poem from The Book of Songs (Shijing) dating over 2600 years ago.

For the constellation, Gao Xiang was inspired by a beautiful antique star chart. The ox-herder is deep in thought about his love.